Monday, May 17, 2010

Rwanda Genocide in a nutshell

800,000 people were murdered in 100 days. the U.N. officials didn't know what had triggered the mass population of the Hutu's to plan to eliminate the Tutsis'. some feel that the misterious shooting down of the president's plane may have caused an outbreak. others feel that the genocide was going to happen eventually. either way, the tutsi culture was nearly terminatied if not for the acts of peacekeepers and the RPF, a rebellious, Tutsi dominate group on Rwanda. the world stood by and watched this horrible series of events unfold. even our own country, America the Brave, stood by and refused to label this a genocide. political leaders had been shunned of using the word in an effort to prevent a meltdown. chilren were left without parents. women were left with HIV. and rwanda was left with a torn identity and a glim future.

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